Tuesday 25 March 2014

This is Bertie! In my last post I was enjoying him. Playing, chasing and play fighting. But he has become a nuisance. I hardly get any peace! We share a room that mummy calls our bedroom and he keeps using my bed instead of his own. He has chewed all my toys and bites me when we go walkies
. I hope this doesn't last!

Sunday 23 February 2014

Hello again!

It's been so long since I got to write anything! Mummy and Daddy have been poorly. Strange men came in a big truck that made an awful noise! Sometimes they took mummy away and sometimes Daddy. It was all very frightening and then mummy didn't feel like helping with my blog! She's getting better now and so can help with all my news. Where to start? I'd better start with Bertie, he is a new dog that has come to live with us. I must say, I wasn't very pleased when mummy said she was getting me a 'present'.I was very excited thinking of toys and jumbones. But she brought home a very small dog that is a bit like me but not as handsome. He is a 'puppy' and very bouncy and bighty! I tried to ignore him at first, but mummy and Daddy kept playing with him and cuddling him. They even let it play with my toys!!. After a few days I must admit I got curious. He was trying to get me to play, pulling my toys about and jumping at me. I had a sniff of him, he didn't smell bad hmmm maybe he isn't so bad. I started to play and it was quite fun to begin with, then he bit me with his little pointy teeth and that wasn't fun at all! We have become friends now, though Mummy let's me discipline him when he gets too wild. I am very fair with him and have lots of patience, but he is a pain sometimes.

Monday 19 December 2011

Strange times!

It seems to be that time again when Mummy and Daddy drag some old pretend tree into the house and stick all things on it. There is a lot of moving about of my couch and chairs and boxes everywhere. It's all very disagreeable, even Billy hates it! We both run into the bedroom and hide until it's all over. When we come out, Mummy is usually having a cup of tea and looks tired. Billy likes the tree when it is finished - he eats the tinsel! There are lots of colourful bags and boxes under the tree - so untidy!.
I must tell you about something that happened in the Summer. Daddy was taking me for walkies in the park and I chased a rabbit. Daddy liked this , but then the rabbit got tired and sat down. I didn't know what to do so I sat with it until we could play again. Daddy was very cross and called me some horrible names which I won't repeat here as I am very refined and hate course language. I don't know why he was cross, I thought I was being very polite - the poor rabbit was very tired and needed a rest! When we got home, Mummy laughed a lot at Daddy - don't know why - humans are a mystery to me sometimes!.

Saturday 28 May 2011

I have been on holiday again! Hope you like the photo of me at our holiday cottage, it was quite small and not in the usual places we stay. I had to sleep in the downstairs part as the stairs were too steep for me - it was like climbing a ladder!!I have to say I didn't enjoy this holiday much as I got homesick and wanted my own little house and the park and the woods. I was a bit miserable and Mummy and Daddy tried to cheer me up with walks and visits to old crumbly buildings which I didn't really appreciate. They're alright I suppose, good for smells, but not good for doing my wees as I soon found out! How was I to know the crumbly bits were 'precious', they just look like any old rock to me. Humans do fuss a lot!

Friday 18 February 2011


I did a very naughty thing a few days ago. Daddy was playing with me and I got so excited that I accidently bit his arm! I know I should't bite my humans and rolled over straight away and put my ears back in shame. Daddy scolded me but then picked me up and cuddled me - but I am still ashamed of myself. Sometimes it's hard to understand what humans want.....:(

Monday 14 February 2011

I'm back!!

I don't know what's been happening with Mummy. She has been in bed a lot and then some men came in a big truck that made a loud noise and took her away - twice!!! It wasn't nice and Mummy had no time for me. It was nice to lie in bed though and snuggle, but I did miss my walkies with Mummy.
I have been going to work with Daddy in the big truck. I have my own cushion and place next to Daddy and I meet lots of people. I almost got a rat last week but it escaped down a hole and Daddy stopped me digging for it - don't know why - thought that was my job!
Today, Mummy took me walkies again and I met a lovely little bitch who is a Jack Russell like me. She was very pretty and I wanted to play with her. Mummy has gone all soppy and lovey about me meeting her as it's something called Valentine's Day today. Humans think about soppy, lovey things on this day I'm told. Anyway, I hope I meet her again, she looks great fun!

Saturday 13 November 2010


It's so relaxing to lie in the sun. This was a lovely day at the beach with everyone. I had a little swim as I don't like the water much - only to bark at and chase seagulls along the beach. Mummy tried to get in the little boat but got all wet and screamy - I don't like it when she screams it disturbs me!

My Holidays!

Mummy has been lazy and wouldn't help me to write my blog, so I haven't been posting for awhile. I have no hands to use the computer so without Mummy I'm lost! She can be so selfish sometimes and gets on with her things and forgets all my fans waiting to hear from me.
Anyway - I had a lovely holiday in Wales with Mummy and Daddy and all my humans! Even the little ones! I say, little humans, but they are growing so fast they are the same size as Mummy!!Here are my holiday photos.