Saturday, 9 January 2010


My favourite thing to do at the moment is snuggling. I love to get on Mummy's knee and snuggle, but here I am snuggling my blanky and trying to warm my cold nose. It's been so cold lately and all that white stuff fell out of the sky and it won't go away! It sticks to my tummy which is bare of fur due to the allergies. I had to suffer the indignity of wearing my blue jumper today. Mummy keeps buying different ones for me - she once bought one with sequins on it from Next!!! It didn't last long as I refused to move when I had it on. Then another one of my humans bought me a black one that said "I'm too sexy for this shirt" - that was never worn for long....

Friday, 8 January 2010

I know I haven't been posting for awhile. Mummy has been poorly and then it was all the business with paper and sellotape and dragging a tree in the house...!!! As you can see Mummy has scanned a couple of my holiday photos for you to see.
The first one is when I actually swam for the first time!!! Everyone was excited and so was I - it's nice to please your humans. The other is a rather beautiful one of me on the beach in Wales. Hope you like them!