Saturday, 10 April 2010


I've just got back from the longest walk with Mummy! I'm exhausted! We went through the park as usual, but then Mummy said we would go somewhere different as Paddy wasn't with us. It was nice to have Mummy all to myself for a change and I had great fun fetching sticks and hunting for rabbits.
Then we came to a road and a village and Mummy kept walking. Past the church with the jingly jangly bells ringing and then we were back home again!
Had a lovely nosh and the crumbs from freshly baked scones and a big drink. Ready for a snooze now...

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Update on Paddy!

I'm afraid Paddy has still not settled into our new life here at the park. The howling at other dogs is still going on and there seems no end to it! All my humans are fed up with it but are trying to be patient with him.
My little humans came to visit and took me for a walk in the park - I have great fun with them. They weren't very happy using the doggy bags though!!
I must say, I am meeting lots of other dogs, and they are all quite nice and polite. I am only interested in my humans though and quickly walk on after greeting them.The weather has been terrible for my walkies - all that rain!!! And you know how I hate to get wet! There has been much fuss about mud and wiping paws. I avoid puddles and mud as much as possible, but Paddy just walks straight through them and gets covered in mud!! It is so much nicer when the sun is out and I can lie in the garden and sunbathe...