Monday, 19 December 2011

Strange times!

It seems to be that time again when Mummy and Daddy drag some old pretend tree into the house and stick all things on it. There is a lot of moving about of my couch and chairs and boxes everywhere. It's all very disagreeable, even Billy hates it! We both run into the bedroom and hide until it's all over. When we come out, Mummy is usually having a cup of tea and looks tired. Billy likes the tree when it is finished - he eats the tinsel! There are lots of colourful bags and boxes under the tree - so untidy!.
I must tell you about something that happened in the Summer. Daddy was taking me for walkies in the park and I chased a rabbit. Daddy liked this , but then the rabbit got tired and sat down. I didn't know what to do so I sat with it until we could play again. Daddy was very cross and called me some horrible names which I won't repeat here as I am very refined and hate course language. I don't know why he was cross, I thought I was being very polite - the poor rabbit was very tired and needed a rest! When we got home, Mummy laughed a lot at Daddy - don't know why - humans are a mystery to me sometimes!.

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