Tuesday, 30 June 2009


Just realised that Hobnob, the baby ferret, has not been fed today. Mummy is sad because he has died. Daddy buried him in the garden. It is sad I suppose, but now I get all the attention being the baby in the family!! Must try and look sad.....

Monday, 29 June 2009

More seagulls

Here is a nice photo of me at the hotel. And a video showing how seagulls like to torment me wherever I go - even on a moving boat!!

More holiday photos

Another one of me on the boat from Mull and Iona. I am very interested in the waves.


It's been far too hot today. It's alright for humans they can just take clothes off to keep cool. If only I could unzip my fur...Hmmm
Mummy has been looking after a baby ferret. Feeding it, stroking it, saying how beautiful it is..and ignoring me ! It looks like a rat to me and I'm supposed to kill them. Instead she keeps putting it under my nose and saying stupid things like - "Isn't he lovely - kiss him". I'm very confused over all this.

Sunday, 28 June 2009


Mummy likes this photo so I let her post it here.
Hope you enjoyed my holiday snaps?



The Seagull was taunting me, but I was on my lead so couldn't chase him. Then a Jackdaw came and Mummy gave him chips!!

Iona Abbey

Mummy had a look around the Abbey and Daddy and I went to the beach.

Waiting for boat to Iona

After a long ride on a bus - a first for me - we had to get another boat to Iona. This was also a nice trip because the sun came out and everyone was much happier. Feel like a seasoned traveller now, nothing phases me, I lead the way on the boat!

Arriving at the Isle of Mull. Yes, I am on a boat, a big one this time and very noisy with lots of people. I was very good and many people admired me from afar.

My holiday

Waiting for Mum to stop shopping.

Ringo the rabbit

This is the rabbit I am not allowed to chase - he's family!!


Had a lovely time at party yesterday with little humans. I did disgrace myself a couple of times as I was too interested in a rabbit. Why all the fuss?? This rabbit was there for the taking - in a cage - just waiting there!! Daddy shouted at me quite a lot - even Mummy did and that's not like her at all.
Then we all went for a walk in a park. More rabbits!! I ran off after one and got told off again! This is my job - don't they know??
Then my little humans threw sticks in the lake for me and I swam a little bit - scary, but I got lots of applause and fuss so I'll try a bit harder next time.
I don't know what happened when we got home later - Mummy and Daddy are sad and angry and there was a lot of mess in the house - strange people came and looked around. I think they are called Police.

Friday, 26 June 2009


Saw lots of rabbits today from the car. My favourite place is on Mummy's knees in the front seat then I can get a good view out the front window.
I'm going to a party tomorrow with my little humans, Mummy calls them grandkids. They are great fun and make a lot of fuss of me and sometimes take me for a walk. I will take my camera with me and take some photos. Oh, and there'll be treats and cake and lots of dishes to lick. This is one of my jobs you see, to clean all the dishes after the humans put them on the floor.
I have another job, to bark at strange humans and then run away.I don't bark at the postman anymore - Mummy says he is a friend and I've got used to him.
Going to bed now - see you next time.

Thursday, 25 June 2009


What happened to my ears??? on my pup photos they're droopy and now they stick up - when did that happen?

My memoirs.

Ithink it's time to write about my beginnings even though it wasn't long ago.

I was born on a farm not far from where I live now. It was nothing like my home now, which is lovely and comfortable. No, the farm was very rough and so were my parents!!! The humans were also very frightening and I was so glad when my mummy and daddy humans came to get me - it's been luxury all the way since then as you can see from my photos. Yes, I am a very lucky dog.


My human mummy couldn't find me this morning - I was in the garden but she couldn't see me. I thought she was angry with me and - ashamed to say it- I cringed in my submissive position - you know- ears back, tummy showing and legs waving about all over the place! How mortifying! She was very nice though and reassured me everything was alright - I love my mummy.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009


Have just returned from the vets - his name is Gordon. It was an unexpected visit as Daddy had only called for my sweetie medication (who do they think they're fooling??!!) and the vet wanted to examine me. Now, I like being stroked and fussed, but Gordon is a bit too inquisitive when it comes to my private bits ... and it hurts!! He seemed pleased with me so there was no poking and prodding this time ....phew!!
I have to see the vet every six months as I have a grass allergy - don't laugh and please no jokes about my short legs and long grass - I've heard them all!! I used to be quite bald on my lower half but Mummy says the fur is growing back and is very pleased with me. I do wish she didn't examine my tummy every day though it makes me want to bite and I know this is not allowed, (don't know why, I'd really enjoy it), so I try to control myself. I am quite disciplined with myself so it is not too bad.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Paddy & Rafferty

Paddy and Rafferty (our cousin) in the waterfall. As you can see I'm not joining in as I hate to get wet. I did manage to swim two strokes whilst on holiday to fetch sticks out of the lake - what's all that about anyway?? Humans seem to love it! Why don't they just keep the stick, it would save a lot of energy and keep me dry. I am always happy to please though - it's just my nature.
This is Billy. He lives with us as well as Paddy who is a labrador/springer spaniel. They are both old - 12 years old to be exact. Paddy is a bit doddery - is that a word? - not sure but you know what I mean! That doesn't stop him running off to the village after - bitches! Of course, I'm above all that kind of thing and like to keep pure and wholesome - when the humans are watching me!

Beautiful Eyes!!

My mummy says my eyes are my best feature and I'm inclined to agree with her!
Having a lazy day today in the sunshine, chewing my bone - this one's lasted weeks!!
Daddy will take me out in the truck later which I love. We go to the forest where I can chase rabbits - haven't caught one yet but it doesn't stop me .

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Home at last!

Unpacking after my holiday will write and post photos later. It's good to be home.

Friday, 12 June 2009


My first blog and my humans are taking me to Scotland tomorrow on holiday -so...after this will not be in touch for a week!
We are going to stay near a big lake. It is a nice lake but I don't like to go in the water and am dreading going in boat!!! I will tell you all about it when I get back.
Holidays also mean I will get more treats and put on weight which is not good as I am already plump - my mummy keeps calling me "little piggy" which is mortifying, but I know she means well so I put up with it.
Anyway that is enough for now, I have to get packing ...food,treats,collar,lead, bed, blanky and the dreaded coat!! See you next week...